A great number of factors constantly berate your skin while you’re on the water: cancer-causing UV rays, fish hooks can get stuck in fingertips, pike teeth that rip and tear flesh, walleye gill plates that give stinging thumb scars, catfish and bullhead hazards… even the prick of panfish dorsal fins… Ouch! The list goes on.

When fishing, your hands are often the most exposed and neglected part of your body. Long-time guide Brian Brosdahl has had a lifetime of exposure to all of the above hazards of fishing and has made a conscious effort to protect his hands with performance fishing gloves.

Brosdahl’s glove of choice is the Pro 365 from FishMonkey. They protect from sunburn and prevent sharp hooks, fins, and teeth from puncturing the skin. They’re lightweight, making them comfortable in hot weather without sacrificing sensitivity in feeling the action of your rod. As a bonus, the palm covering on the Pro 365 glove has a PVC coating that grips almost everything, even when sopping wet and slimy.

Like the importance of quality fishing eyewear to protect your eyes or a PFD to potentially save your life, don’t make your hands an afterthought. Start protecting them with quality gloves; take Bro’s word for it, you’ll be glad you did.


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