Ice fishing is just around the corner for the Brainerd Lakes Area! I’ve been on the lookout for small, shallow lakes with 4+” of ‘safer ice’ to walk on and fish (ice is never 100% safe).
Currently, the amount of lakes with ‘safer ice’ are limited in the area, but there are a few lakes that have reached that mark. (Safety First: The MN DNR has many great resources online to help determine ice safety, immersion survival, etc.)
Some of the tactics I utilize are:
Checking every step with a ‘spud bar’ with an understanding of ice thickness/quality, checking thickness every few steps/noticing ice coloration/ changes in appearance for potential hazardous conditions
Wear a Flotation Assisted Ice Fishing Suit (Striker) to help with buoyancy if immersion would occur;
Wear “ice picks” with immediate access, in case you encounter immersion, to allow you to crawl back onto the ice and out of the water;
Buddy system (don’t go alone), bring a rope, Flotation Cushion, and wear “boot cleats” to help with grip on glare or slippery ice.
More Ice Safety Tips/Tactics:
As the temperature continues to drop, many anglers anticipate stepping on ice in the area! The small, shallow lake I was able to fish, I found yellow perch and northern pike deeper than 10ft, and black crappies and bluegills under 10ft near weeds. Catch crappies with 1/16oz or 1/32oz jig tipped with a Mister Twister Sassy Stingum, 1/16oz spoon or glide-bait style lure, such as a Crystal Reaper or Jigging Rap. Bluegills have been hitting tungsten jigs tipped with the tail end of a Mister Twister Sassy Stingum or wax worm. Many lakes had open water in the past week, and will take a while to have fishable ice, but many smaller lakes will continue to freeze/thicken to provide ice fishing opportunities in the next week!
Have fun, stay safe and Happy Hawg Hunting!
Dustin Monson
Hawg Hunterz Guide Service LLC