The bite on Winnie is picking up with walleye hanging in 9-13 feet on cara (sand grass) and vegetation flats. The water temperature has also dropped from 78 to 70 degrees, which has helped turn things on. Bobbers and leeches have been hot with a 1/8-ounce black Northland Tungsten short shank jig.
A jig and minnow has been great, too, with the Northland stand-up tungsten jig, and the Deep-Vee underpins have been a great versatile choice paired with a fat head minnow. You can troll these at 1.3mph and let the jig go back behind the boat and fish it like a spinner as well as a jig. The Northland Pitchin’ Puppet Minnow has also been good for getting reaction bites when fish show themselves but won’t easily commit. Let it crash into the bottom and snap it off, working back to the boat.
Report from Brian Brosdahl of Bro’s Guide Service