In this video, Jason Mitchell shares how he modifies spinnerbaits, and how it allows him to catch more trophy fish.

  1. Remove the Stinger Hook
    The first modification he makes is removing the stinger hook from the spinnerbait.
  2. Remove the Back End of the Skirt
    After he removes the stinger hook he removes the skirt completely from the bait.
  3. Thin Down the Front End of the Skirt
    After the back end of the skirt is completely removed, he then thins down the remaining skirt.
  4. Add a Paddle Tail
    Big pike love paddle tails, so he adds on a 4″ Pro Swimmer to the backend of the spinnerbait, and leaves a thin skirt to rest over the top.
  5. When Fishing Deeper Push the Wires Together
    When casting these over cabbage, especially deeper cabbage (in say 8 or 9 ft of water), you can get these spinnerbaits to run deeper by simply pushing the wire together.

Next time you are out pike fishing, be sure to try these simple modifications to help you catch more trophy fish.


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