Rainy River, MN (March 30th, 2023)

Let the ceremonious spring open water fishing begin!! The Nelson Park boat ramp in Birchdale is open to all boats. The next access downstream is Frontier, and the open water is close to reaching her landing. 

Koochiching County did a very nice job of clearing the accesses of snow and ice at the Nelson Park boat ramp. Hats off to a job well done! This will certainly help extend our spring season not to mention it making the accessing the river much safer and a lot less work.

Walleye fishing on the Rainy and Four Mile Bay is currently catch and release through April 14th. That also goes for 4 Mile Bay as well. Jigs tipped with frozen or live minnows is doing the trick. 

Some anglers had good luck tossing plastics. Don’t count out a slow troll with some cranks. Bright colored jigs and larger plastics with twister tail or paddle tail. Best colors chartreuse, orange, pink and white.

Understanding that the fish are getting ready to spawn, please remember to handle them with care. Quickly snap a photo and release gently and quickly.

River Bend Resort
Baudette, MN