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Mississippi River/St.Croix Rivers, Prescott, WI (May 4, 2024)

Recent rains and increased flow on the Mississippi have created higher water and turbidity and the fish are actively spawning making the bite finicky. Your best bet is to fish 3/8oz short-shank Fire-Ball jigs tipped with a fathead while drifting with the current along deep seams for sauger and shallower eddies for walleye outside the slot. With the active spawners, a stinger hook is a must as they frequently shy-away and nip at your presentation. The stinger hook acts as insurance for these light biters. Touch bottom and raise up only a few inches and back to bottom works best. While in deeper water targeting sauger, a quick snap of the rod triggers more bites. Water temps have risen into the low 50’s from high 40’s.

For a reasonably-priced (but memorable) guided fishing trip on Mississippi Pools 2-4 or the St. Croix with a legend, contact Griz. (Hyperlink Griz to https://www.fishwithgriz.com/category/about-the-griz/)


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