Lake Sakakawea, ND (September 16th, 2022)

Newtown River:  fish seem to be transitioning shallower, there is plenty of fish to be caught 15-25ft range with of course fish out deeper.   For me, cranks have been most effective on the river especially in low light periods.  If sunny, I’ve had to rely more on bait… believe it or not seems like worms are still #1 for me as of a week ago.  Overall if you want a limit of great eaters 16-20” fish, they are plentiful.

Middle section of lake:  fishing has been tougher but larger fish are being caught.  I would strongly suggest fishing sunrise or sunset as its kinda been a grind.  Jigging raps in that 15-30ft been best for me.  Still fish being caught on all bait and if you can find creek chubs they are still king.

East end: walleyes overall are slow but salmon have been on fire with one of the best falls I’ve seen.  You can catch them anywhere from 2-80ft still with fish really starting to transition to under 50ft range making it very easy to catch fish casting or long lining.

Also some really good pike showing up in shallows in back to bays.  Any kind of weed structure in under 15ft usually has a few big girls hanging around.

Kellen Latendresse
Latendresse Guide Service