Lake of the Woods, MN (September 29th, 2022)

As we are staring fall straight in the eyes, lower temperatures are beginning to become steady, and fishing has been fantastic. Great fishing is being reported all over the southern basin of Lake of The Woods in 22 – 32 feet of water. The Rainy River is also beginning to gain momentum with the push of the shiner run beginning to increase daily. 

“Fishing has really been good over the past couple of weeks. I’m catching a mixed bag of seemingly everything. In both the river and the lake! The last two days I’ve caught walleye, sauger, perch, crappie, northern pike, sturgeon, and smallmouth. Frozen shiners are the ticket for everything except sturgeon. Use a big gob of nightcrawlers for sturgeon. The high winds over the last few days muddied up the lake for about the first 4 miles out.  Get to clean water and the fish are stacked and ready to eat.”

– Alex Peterson, River Bend Resort Guide

It’s always nice to hear great news from any of our fishermen, especially one of our guides. With that I believe we can officially say that the trophy season is on like Donkey Kong! 

Along the southern shoreline of the big water, walleye are stacking. This is the “staging” period just prior to the major run up the Rainy to spawn. You will find large pockets of fish everywhere during this time. Weather and waves permitting, jigging with frozen shiners in these spots is your best bet. Trust your electronics. When you see a big pod, stop and drop anchor and commence to filling the creel with Mother Nature’s wonderful goodness. Nothing better than a fall fish fry around a bon fire.

We are seeing and hearing reports that pulling spinners around structure and across flats is still producing nice numbers of fish as well. Trolling crankbaits can help you find the fish that are spread out as they are continuing to go for that presentation as well. 

Heading into the Rainy River, great fishing is happening as we speak. The shiners are running, and the walleye are chasing them. The jury is still out on weather or not this is the “THE” run of shiners … but the fact remains, good numbers of fish are being caught along with some nice trophies. 

As you can imagine the fishing over the past week has been awesome and steady. The trophy walleye fever is spreading and could be known legitimately as the “Lake of The Woods Walleye Disease”. Symptoms of this disease range from purchasing new gear, siting in your trailered boat hours before launching it, muttering “fish on!” to your significant others for no reason, to calling off work early daily. 

River Bend Resort has the cure for such symptoms. Simply, give us a call and we will prescribe lodging, dock slips, and charters. And when you are off the water, you can enjoy great food and drink at our Miles Lab Bar & Grill. 

All these things combined, said, and told – fall is one of the most spectacular times to experience the Lake of The Woods fishery. The scenery in all her splendor, mild temperatures, and trophy fishing make up the perfect recipe for a fishing trip of a lifetime at River Bend Resort. 

FALL PRICING IS NOW AVAILABLE. Save on your lodging now through the rest of the open water season. River Bend Resort call agents will help you build a fishing trip of a lifetime. We offer water side cabins and full or half day all-inclusive charters.

If you have a spur-of-the-moment opportunity, give us a call, and ask for any last-minute specials we may have.

Don’t forget, if you are bringing up your own boat, you can very simply book your cabin online and save an additional 10% on your lodging at the same time. Just visit our website, and use code “ONLINE” before you make your cabin selection. Lake of The Woods Cabin Rental has never been easier or more accommodating.

Also keep in mind that it’s not to early to be thinking about booking your hard water adventure for the 2022/23 Ice Fishing Season… if you book before October 31st, you will save some $$ …

Until next week … Keep a Tight Line! Bugs & Fishes ≤º))~{