Iowa Great Lakes (August 31st, 2022)

West Okoboji and Big Spirit Lake fishing continues to be good for Bass, Panfish and Walleyes as anglers get fired up for the fall bite! 

Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass with Jigworms, Dropshots and Swimbaits continue to put fish in the boat at this time.  Target depths have been 14-22’ along weed lines and on deeper rock but more fish can be found shallow on certain days.

Bluegill fishing has remained consistent with the best depths running 27-40’.  Schools of Bluegills continue to roam theses deeper depths and the key is to stay with the schools and utilize a presentation that gets down fast. Small jigging spoons are always a good choice. 

Yellow Perch are starting to show up shallow on Big Spirit Lake in 10 FOW or less.  Look for weed patches to find larger concentrations of fish. Small tube jigs and jigging spoons are good options for anglers to start with when seeking out Perch. Lots of sorting will be required to keep a limit but the bite can be fun!

A leadcore bite for Walleyes out in the basin on Big Spirit Lake has been going as well. Some days are better than others but small crankbaits can put some good fish in the net. Don’t be afraid to throw a jigging rap or even a blade bait at individual fish you mark- there’s some nice Walleyes in Big Spirit and fall is a great time to target them in the Iowa Great Lakes.

For more fishing information contact Capt.Chad Loreth at Iowa Great Lakes Outdoors, Inc.