Devils Lake, ND (August 11th, 2023)

Devils Lake, ND

Catching walleye, perch, pike, and bass.

Trolling leadcore with smaller lures such as #5 flickershads, #5 salmo hornets, and #5 shad raps. We will use some #7’s as well.  Trolling bottom bouncer with a spinner and a third of a crawler or a gulp minnow. Seems like anything hammered gold/silver has been good. Purple has also been very good.

The fish seem to be holding on a few different structures. Weed lines in 9-14 ft of water, old shorelines (that are now underwater) in 18-24 ft of water, and old structure such as flooded roads, humps, and points. If the fish aren’t on those, find some mud near it and they should be there.

Mark Bry
Owner of Bry’s Guide Service/The Fish Rehab Lodge/Ed’s Bar and Baitshop