Detroit Lakes Area, MN (Dec. 20th, 2023)

Area lakes continue to build ice but it is slow and steady.  6”-8” of ice now covers many smaller and/or shallower lakes, but some larger and deeper lakes have much less ice as you get further from shore.  Continue looking for walleyes in 10′-15’ before sunrise and after sunset.  That said, clouds in the forecast could equate to good walleye fishing during the day in the coming days. 

Right now, I recommend targeting crappies and bluegills on the edge of shallow weeds (from 8’-14’) because the ice is likely to be safest there.  Bright spoons tipped with waxworms or a minnow head will produce fish.  As the ice gets safer in deep water, expand your search to include deeper bowls, where they’ve been holding since the Fall.  I will discuss deep water crappie techniques in the coming weeks.  Good luck, and continue taking safety precautions as you head out on the ice.

Brady Baxter
Owner and Fishing Guide
Baxstar Fishing LLC